> काव्य-धारा (Poetry Stream): जीवन, प्यार और आत्मा-झलक : God speaking

शनिवार, 14 फ़रवरी 2015

God speaking

God speaking

When you feel neglected
Just hold my hand
In thick and thin
With you I stand

You may never know
But this is true
I walk with you
Wherever you go

I laugh with you
When you are happy
And my tears fall
Whenever you cry

With your human eyes
I can not be seen
Feel me around you
With my divine vision

In the flowers I smile
Through the rain I cry
In your heart I bloom
It is I whom you pray

I am earth where you stand
I am the air that you breath
I am the water and your blood
Know that I am the warmth

The sky blue that you see
And the Sun up above
The moon and the stars
I am this universe

I am inside you
And you are inside me
I am the God speaking
Think not, just believe me.

(C) Hemant Kumar Dubey

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